Historic Trails Park


From Broadway, 3/4 mile south on U.S. 77 (10th), 1 1/2 miles east then north then west (under U.S. 77,
across railroad tracks), continue north, the before going under an overpass, turn west into the park.

Eight historic trails crossed Marshall County:  Oregon Trail, Overland Trail, Pony Express route,
Military Trail, Mormon Trail, Otoe-Missouria Trail, St. Joseph-California Trail, and Pike’s Peak-California Trail.
Interpretive signs and a map explains each route.

A replica rope ferry shows what trail travelers used to cross the Big Blue River. A rope crossed the
river above the ferry, which rode a pulley back and forth. By turning the wheel, another rope would
shift the ferry into or away from the swift river current pushing the ferry across the river.